This post is a part of a series coming next month! We will be teaching in-person classes to pregnant & […]

Programs and Services

INA MAY GASKIN RETURNS TO ATLANTA- February 10 & 11 Sandy Springs
Choose an amount from the list and send the amount through the paypal donate button. Please message which day this […]

Presenters 2018
Ina May Gaskin, PhD(hon.), CPM, Dr. Johannson, MD, IBCLC, Dr. Hughan Frederick, MD, Grand Midwife UmmSalaamah Abdullah-Zaimah, CPM, […]

Safe Maternity Conference for Pregnancy and Parenting Essentials Expo
October 16th at the Hilton Atlanta Grand Ballroom Level 2 Join CNN hero Robin Lim during our VIP special ceremony with Celebrity TV Judge […]

Dr. Jack Newman, MD – World-Renowned Breastfeeding Expert
Dr. Jack Newman was the 2011 keynote presenter for Bellies to Babies Foundation.